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North Dakota High School Activities Association
Board of Directors Meeting
NDHSAA Office-Valley City
August 2, 2012

August 1st Committee Meetings

5:00 p.m.—New Member Orientation (Ulland, Roaldson, Wiberg)

August 2nd Committee Meetings

                  7:30 a.m.—Executive Board (Ulland, Olson, Helvik)

                  7:30 a.m.—Constitution & By-Laws (Hall, Sanstead, Auch, Brannan)

                  7:30 a.m.—Officials (Martin, Olson, Wiberg)

                  8:30 a.m.—Media (Helvik, Martin, Wiberg)

                  8:45 a.m.—Finance (Ham, Hall, Ulland)

                  8:45 a.m.—Realignment (Helvik, Martin, Olson, Ham, Roaldson)

                  9:15 a.m.—Fine Arts  (Brannan, Sanstead, Ulland, Wiberg)

                  9:15 a.m.—Promotion & Programs (Auch, Hall, Ham)

                  9:30 a.m.—Tournament (Hall, Roaldson, Wiberg, Martin)

AGENDA - 9:45 a.m.

1.     Call Meeting to Order

2.     Approval of Agenda

3.     Approval of Minutes

a.     June 19-20, 2012

b.     June 27, 2012

4.     Financial Report

a.     Year end report

b.     Spring tournament financial report

5.     Coop Dissolutions



6.     Coop Applications
a.     Larimore and Dakota Prairie in Girls’ Cross Country, 7-12, 2012-13, no fee


7.     Audit Report, 2011-12
a.     Harold Rotunda has completed the audit and will provide a report to the Board. 

8.     Executive Board Report
a.     The Executive Board met to determine whether or not the coop application, 6a, should be considered by the Board.

9.     West Region Tournament Sites
a.     At the last Board meeting, Jeff Doornfeld, AD Williston High School asked to have until this meting to determine whether or not they would be able to host west region wrestling in 2012-13.

b.     Mandan has been recommended as the West Region VB site for 2012-13 and has invited.  Board approval is necessary.

10.  Constitution & By-Laws Committee Report
a.     Chairman, Steve Hall will provide the Board with a report on the following items.

                                               i.     Strategic Plan items

11.  Media Committee Report
a.     Chairman, Larry Helvik will provide the Board with a report on the following items:

                                               i.     Television Contract

                                             ii.     Strategic Plan items

12.  Finance Committee Report
a.     Chairman, Kirk Ham will provide a report to the Board regarding discussion of the Strategic plan.

13.  Realignment Committee Report
a.    Chairman, Larry Helvik will provide a timeline recommendation for appropriate items in the strategic plan.

14.  Officials Committee Report
a.     Chairman, Shane Martin will provide a timeline recommendation for appropriate items in the strategic plan.

15.  Fine Arts Committee Report
a.    Chairman, Steve Brannan will provide a timeline recommendation for appropriate items in the strategic plan.

16.  Promotions and Programs Committee Report
a.     Chairman, Ben Auch will provide a timeline recommendation for appropriate items in the strategic plan.

17.  Tournament Committee Report
a.     Chairman, Steve Hall will provide a timeline recommendation for appropriate items in the strategic plan.

18.  Strategic Plan Update
a.     Staff has met and recommended Board Committees to be assigned to strategic plan strategies to accomplish goals.  See attached.

b.     General timelines recommended are as follows:

                    i.     August—Board approve Committee Assignments

                   ii.     August—Committees meet to approve or make changes and develop timelines

                  iii.     August or Sept.—Board approves what is to be presented to membership

                  iv.     September—survey member schools for feedback

                   v.     October—make adjustments and present to membership

                  vi.     November—final approval of strategic plan

19.  Class B Music Site
a.     Bismarck State College has indicated a willingness to host Class B State Music in 2014 and 2015.  Board approval is necessary for site selection.

20.  Grand Forks Red River HS Request
a.     Attached is a request and documentation regarding a student being allowed to compete in a similar athletic contest during the high school season of that sport.  NDHSAA By-Laws allow the Board to approve this as long as there are Olympic or International ramifications.

21.  Other


22.   Rooming List

23.   Board Correspondence


24.   Representative Reports
a.     Here is opportunity for Board members to create an awareness to issues and concerns that may or may not be found on a future agenda.

25.   Executive Secretary’s Report          
a.     Participation Survey

b.     Summer mtg. planning—August 19-21


26.   Next Meeting, Date and Time
a.     September 18, Valley City Office

27.  Adjourn

Updated on

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