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North Dakota High School Activities Association
Board of Directors Meeting
NDHSAA Office-Valley City
June 19-20, 2012

Agenda With Exec. Sec. Comments

June 19th Committee Meetings

8:00 a.m. - Fine Arts Committee (Ulland, Sanstead, Brannan, Martin)

                8:00 a.m. - Finance Committee (Ham, Hall, Swiontek)

                  6:00 p.m. - Board Retirement Supper, City Lights,

June 20th Committee Meetings

                  7:30 a.m. - Constitution & By-Laws Committee (Hall, Sanstead, Auch, Brannan)

AGENDA—9:30 a.m.

1.     Call Meeting to Order

2.     Approval of Agenda

3.     Approval of Minutes

a.     April 16, 2012

4.     Financial Report

a.     Attached are the balance sheet, budget report, and the Savings & Investment detail report.

b.     Winter tournament financial report

c.     Year-end projection

5.     Coop Dissolutions

a.     TGU Towner and TGU Granville in boys’ golf. 2012-13

b.     TGU Towner and TGU Granville in girls’ golf. 2012-13

c.     Watford City and Alexander in speech, 2012-13

d.     Warwick and Four Winds/Minnewaukan in girls’ bb, 7-12, 2012-13

                                               i.     District Assignment (7)

e.     Warwick, Tate Topa and Four Winds in football, 7-12, 2013-14

f.      Midway and Larimore in wrestling, 9-12, 2012-13


6.     Coop Applications

a.     Hillsboro and Central Valley in football, 9-12, 2013-14, no fee

b.     Minot High and Our Redeemer’s in softball, 9-12, 2012-13, no fee

c.     Garrison and Max in Baseball, 7-12, 2012-13, no fee

d.     Minot High and Our Redeemers in girls’ golf, 9-12, 2012-13, no fee

e.     Tate Topa (Four Winds) and Warwick in JH football, 7-8, 2013-14, no fee


7.     Executive Board Report

a.     Dr. Swiontek will report to the Board regarding assessed penalties for rule violations.

8.     Tournament Sites (audience)

a.     West Region WR and VB

                                               i.     Audience with West Region AD

b.     Class B Boys’ and Girls’ Golf, Region and State

c.     Class B Track Regions

9.     District Chair Recommendations

a.     On the first page of the Athletic Review grid, you will see the four recommendations requiring Board consideration.

10.  Athletic Review

a.     Attached are the coaches advisory minutes and the voting grid.  Staff members will officially present the minutes and discuss items presented by the coaches.

11.  Fine Arts Review/Committee

a.     Committee Chair Scott Ulland and staff member Brian Bubach will present the items as recommended by Fine Arts Advisory.

b.     A report of discussion regarding the Carrington letter expressing concerns with NFL

12.  2012-13 Technology Plan

a.     The proposed 2012-13 Technology Plan is included in the proposed budget.  Staff member Brenda Schell will present the proposed plan.  Board approval is essential before administering the plan.

13.  Coaches Education

a.     The final draft of coaches education will be presented to the Board for consideration.

14.  Washburn HS/Region 8 Baseball

a.     This item was tabled at the last meeting.  This involves the establishment of a declaration date for Class B Baseball. 

15.  2012-13, Board Organization

a.     The Board will determine next year’s President and Vice President.

  1. Dakota Bowl Schedule
    1. We met with Jim Sande, representative NBC North Dakota Sports, to discuss the one-day Dakota Bowl schedule.  Attached is the schedule as determined by television.
  1. Central Valley/Hillsboro HS Appeal
    1. Attached is a letter from Randy Vigen, Central Valley High School AD and Terry Baesler, Hillsboro AD requesting the Board to consider an appeal of the April 16th Board decision regarding football.
  1. Central Valley/Hillsboro HS Request
    1. Attached is a letter from the two high schools requesting the Board to approve a change on the coop application form that would allow schools to coop sub-varsity in grades 9-12.
  1. Warwick HS Request
    1. Attached is a letter from Warwick High School requesting the Board to allow a girls’ basketball player to continue to play for the coop with Four Winds/Minnewaukan even though Warwick would like to be removed from the coop and play a JV Schedule.
  1. NDHSAA Foundation (3:00)
    1. Ben Auch has requested this item to be placed on the agenda. Kevin Dvorak from the North Dakota Community Foundation will make a presentation to the Board.
  1. Alexander HS Request
    1. Attached is a letter from Alexander HS requesting a home school from another district to be eligible to compete for Alexander HS.
  1. Manager Fees
    1. Last year when it was agreed to combine A and B Softball, the tournament manager’s fee was not adjusted from the present fee of $500.  I would recommend the Board consider and approve a manager’s fee of $800 retroactive to this year. 
  1. Finance Committee Report

a.     The proposed budget will be presented for Board approval

b.     Fines

c.     Health insurance---Carlsrud

24.  Red River HS Request

a.     Attached is documentation requesting a waiver of Article XIV, Section III, Part a of the By-Laws.

June 20th

25.  Strategic Plan (9:00 audience)

a.     Marv Erhardt has requested one to one and a half hours to meet with the Board and finalize the strategic plan.

26.  Farmers Union Insurance (10:30 audience)

a.     Mark Anderson and Kevin Ressler from Farmers Union Insurance will be at the meeting to make a presentation to the Board.

27.  Constitution & By-Laws Committee Report

a.     Steve Hall will report on the Committee discussion regarding:

                                               i.     Junior high enrollments less than 50

                                             ii.     Academic eligibility

28.  Other






29.   Rooming List 


30.   Board Correspondence






31.   Representative Reports

a.     Here is opportunity for Board members to create and awareness to issues and concerns that may or may not be found on a future agenda.

32.   Executive Secretary’s Report           

a.     concussion report



33.   Next Meeting, Date and Time

a.     August 2, Valley City Office

34.  Adjourn

Updated on

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