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NDOA Minutes - 9-7-14

The Board of Directors of the North Dakota Officials Association held their meeting on September 7, 2014 in Valley City.  President Larry Grondahl called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm with Mike Anderson, Jason Dockter, Mickey Jordan, Darren Sheldon, myself, and Scott Privratsky attending.
The Board was previously supplied the minutes of the March 23, 2014 meeting for review.  Privratsky moved to approve the minutes as read.  Second by Anderson and carried unanimously.
Current board terms were reviewed.  Brad Nold’s and Mike Anderson’s second and final board term will end on July 31, 2015.  A replacement will be elected from the Southeast and Northwest quadrant.  Privatsky’s first term will end on July 31, 2015 and he will be eligible for re-election.  Grondahl moved to have Dockter and Jordan represent the NDOA Board on the nominating committee.  Carried unanimously.
Action items from the Fall 2013 meeting were reviewed.  Motion by Grondahl to recommend the following items will be reported to the NDHSAA Board of Directors meeting on September 16, 2014 and action will be taken at their November 21, 2014 meeting.  Second by Jordan and carried unanimously.
    a)    5% across the board rise in officials fees, locked in for two years (15-16, 16-17)
    b)    Create a region/state tournament pass for registered officials, available for $20 beginning in 2014-15
    c)    Waive the registration fee for NEW officials
State Active Official Awards – Baseball, Brian Hornecker, Minot; Boys’ Basketball, Scott McPherson, Bismarck; Girls’ Basketball, Dean Klier, Harvey; Football, Dennis Reep, Bismarck; Gymnastics, Brooke Erstad, Fargo; Hockey, Matt Erickson, Grand Forks; Soccer, Bernard Maucort, Fargo; Swimming, Gary Fisher, Fargo; Volleyball, Donna Abrahamson, Dickinson; Wrestling, Dan White, Jamestown; Softball, Jay Schneider, Devils Lake.  Dockter moved to accept Active Officials Awards.  Second by Jordan and motion carried unanimously.
The Board reviewed the current NDOA Hall of Fame nominations.   Jordan moved to induct Jeff Hamre of Leonard, John Muckenhirn of Fargo, and Jerry Stigman of Fargo into the NDOA Hall of Fame in 2014-15.  Seconded by Dockter and motion carried unanimously.
The Board also further discussed the possibility of developing a Distinguished Service Award for officials.  Discussion centered on this being a service award, totally separate from the Hall of Fame.  The idea will be tabled until the March meeting.
The Board discussed issues being created by FM Athletics paying football officials more money to ref 4th-6th graders than what is being paid for JV games.  Discussed shortly, no motion presented.
Executive Director Fletschock provided an update from the NDHSAA office.  The office has approved the use of 2 ¼” striped shirts for football.  We would just like all officials on the field to match.  Also have been discussing in the office the possibility of having schools register and pay for junior high officials.
The Board discussed the new officials jackets being produced for basketball officials.  They have no NDOA logo on them since the NCAA does not require logos anymore.  Motion by Sheldon to make the wearing the jacket without the NDOA logo allowed as long as all officials jackets match (either all wear ones with NDOA logo, or all wear without the logo).  Seconded by Jordan, passed unanimously.
The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7:00 pm CT via conference call.  Board meetings are open and visitors are welcome.  Please contact a board member or Secretary Fletschock in advance to be placed on the agenda.
Motion by Jordan, second by Anderson to adjourn meeting, unanimous.  Meeting adjourned at 2:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,  Justin Fletschock

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